Perspectives: Studies in Translatology
Listed in the Thomson Reuters Arts & Humanities Citation Index®
Published By: Routledge
Volume Number: 18
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Print ISSN: 0907-676X
Online ISSN: 1747-6623
Aims & Scope
Perspectives: Studies in Translatology encourages studies of all types of interlingual transmission, such as translation, interpreting, subtitling etc.
The emphasis lies on analyses of authentic translation work, translation practices, procedures and strategies. Based on real-life examples, studies in the journal place their findings in an international perspective from a practical, theoretical or pedagogical angle in order to address important issues in the craft, the methods and the results of translation studies worldwide.
Perspectives: Studies in Translatology is published quarterly, each issue consisting of approximately 80 pages. The language of publication is English although the issues discussed involve all languages and language pairs.
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